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Section 3: C Build and Test Frameworks

In the previous discussion section, you learned how to explicitly compile and run C programs from the command line. You learned how to use the GNU C Compiler (gcc) to compile both a single-file that calculated the average of two integers and multi-file program that calculated the square of an integer. You probably noticed that it can be tedious to have to carefully enter the correct commands on the command line. We also need to carefully track which steps need to be redone whenever we change a C source file. In this discussion section, we will explore using a build framework based on CMake to automate this process. In the previous discussion section, you also learned how to do ad-hoc testing by executing a function and then simply printing out the result to the terminal. In this discussion section, we will explore using a test framework to automate this process. Using a build and test framework is critical to productive system-level programming in C and C++.

1. Logging Into ecelinux with VS Code

Follow the same process as in the last section. Find a free workstation and log into the workstation using your NetID and standard NetID password. Then complete the following steps (described in more detail in the last section):

  • Start VS Code
  • Use View > Command Palette to execute Remote-SSH: Connect Current Window to Host...
  • Enter
  • Use View > Explorer to open folder on ecelinux
  • Use View > Terminal to open terminal on ecelinux

Now clone the GitHub repo we will be using in this section using the following commands:

% source
% mkdir -p ${HOME}/ece2400
% cd ${HOME}/ece2400
% git clone sec03
% cd sec03
% tree

The directory includes the following files:

  • ece2400-stdlib.h : ECE 2400 course standard library header
  • ece2400-stdlib.c : ECE 2400 course standard library implementation
  • avg-main.c: source and main for single-file avg program
  • square.h: header file for the square function
  • square.c: source file for the square function
  • square-directed-test.c : directed test cases for square function

2. Using Makefiles to Compile C Programs

Let's remind ourselves how to explicitly compile and run a single-file C program on the command line:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% gcc -Wall -o avg-main avg-main.c
% ./avg-main

Let's now remove the binary so we are back to a clean directory:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% rm -r avg-main

We will start by using a new tool called make which was specifically designed to help automate the process of building C programs. The key to using make is developing a Makefile. A Makefile is a plain text file which contains a list of rules which together specify how to execute commands to accomplish some task. Each rule has the following syntax:

target : prerequisite0 prerequisite1 prerequisite2

A rule specifies how to generate the target file using the list of prerequisite files and the given Linux command. make is smart enough to know it should rerun the command if any of the prerequisites change, and it also knows that if one of the prerequisites does not exist then it needs to look for some other rule to generate that prerequisite first. It is very important to note that make requires commands in a rule to start with a real TAB character. So you should not type the letters <TAB>, but you should instead press the TAB key and verify that it has inserted a real TAB character (i.e., if you move the left/right arrows the cursor should jump back and forth across the TAB). This is the only time in the course where you should use a real TAB character as opposed to spaces.

Let's create a simple Makefile to compile a single-file C program. Use VS Code to create a file named Makefile with the following content:

avg-main: avg-main.c
<TAB>gcc -Wall -o avg-main avg-main.c

<TAB>rm -rf avg-main

We can use the newly created Makefile like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make avg-main
% ./avg-main

make will by default use the Makefile in the current directory. make takes a command line argument specifying what you want "make". In this case, we want to make the avg-main executable. make will look at all of the rules in the Makefile to find a rule that specifies how to make the avg-main executable. It will then check to make sure the prerequisites exist and that they are up-to-date, and then it will run the command specified in the rule for avg-main. In this case, that command is gcc. make will output to the terminal every command it runs, so you should see it output the command line which uses gcc to generate the avg-main executable.

Try running make again:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make avg-main
% ./avg-main

make detects that the prerequisite (i.e., avg-main.c) has not changed and so it does not recompile the executable. Now let's try making a change in the avg-main.c source file. Modify the printf statement as follows:

printf("avg( %d, %d ) == %d\n", a, b, c );

You can recompile and re-execute the program like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make avg-main
% ./avg-main

make will automatically detect that the prerequisite has changed and recompile the executable appropriately. This ability to automatically track dependencies and recompile just what is necessary is a key benefit of using a tool like make. Makefiles can also include targets which are not actually files. Our example Makefile includes a clean target which will delete any generated executables. Let's clean up our directory like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% ls
% make clean
% ls

3. Using CMake to Generate Makefiles for Compiling C Programs

While using make can help automate the build process, the corresponding Makefiles can quickly grow to be incredibly complicated. Creating and maintaining these Makefiles can involve significant effort. It can be particularly challenging to ensure all of the dependencies between the various source and header files are always correctly captured in the Makefile. It can also be complicated to add support for code coverage, memory checking, and debug vs. evaluation builds.

New tools have been developed to help automate the process of managing Makefiles (which in turn automate the build process). Automation is the key to effective software development methodologies. In this course, we will be using CMake as a key step in our build framework. CMake takes as input a simple CMakeLists.txt file and generates a sophisticated Makefile for us to use. A CMakeLists.txt is a plain text file with a list of commands that specify what tasks we would like the generated Makefile to perform.

Before getting started let's remove any files we have generated and also remove the Makefile we developed in the previous section.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make clean
% trash Makefile

Let's create a simple CMakeLists.txt that can be used to generate a Makefile which will in turn be used to compile a single-file C program. Use VS Code to create a file named CMakeLists.txt with the following content:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8...3.19)
add_executable( avg-main avg-main.c )

Line 1 specifies the CMake version we are assuming, and line 2 specifies that we will be using CMake with a C project. Line 3 specifies that we want to generate a Makefile that can compile an executable named avg-main form the avg-main.c source file. Now let's run the cmake command to generate a Makefile we can use to compile avg-main:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% cmake .
% ls
% less Makefile

NOTE: THERE IS A DOT AFTER cmake! The cmake command will by default use the CMakeLists.txt in the directory given as a command line argument. CMake takes care of figuring out what C compilers are available and then generating the Makefile appropriately. You can see that CMake has automatically generated a pretty sophisticated Makefile. Let's go ahead and use this Makefile to build avg-main.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make avg-main
% ./avg-main

CMake will automatically create some useful targets like clean.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make clean

Writing a CMakeLists.txt is simpler than writing a Makefile, especially when we start working with many files.

4. Using CTest for Systematic Unit Testing

So far we have been using "ad-hoc testing". For example, the main function in avg-main.c will execute the avg function with one set of inputs and then print the result to the terminal. If it is not what we expected, we can debug our program until it meets our expectations. Unfortunately, ad-hoc testing is error prone and not easily reproducible. If you later make a change to your implementation, you would have to take another look at the output to ensure your implementation still works. If another developer wants to understand your implementation and verify that it is working, he or she would also need to take a look at the output and think hard about what is the expected result. Ad-hoc testing is usually verbose, which makes it error prone, and does not use any kind of standard test output. While ad-hoc testing might be feasible for very simple implementations, it is obviously not a scalable approach when developing the more complicated implementations we will tackle in this course.

New tools have been developed to help automate the process of testing implementations. These tools provide a systematic way to do automated unit testing including standardized naming conventions, test output, and test drivers. In this course, we will be using CTest as a key step in our test framework. CTest elegantly integrates with CMake to create a unified built and test framework. Each unit test will be a stand-alone test program. The following is an example of a unit test program for the square function we saw in the last discussion section:

#include "square.h"
#include "ece2400-stdlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void test_case_1_basic()
  printf("\n%s\n", __func__  );
  ECE2400_CHECK_INT_EQ( square( 2 ), 4 );

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  __n = ( argc == 1 ) ? 0 : atoi( argv[1] );

  if ( (__n <= 0) || (__n == 1) )

  printf( "\n" );
  return __failed;

Our test programs will consist of a number of test cases. Each test case is a separate function which should focus on testing a specific subset of inputs. In this example, test case 1 tests very basic functionality. Each test case should start with a statement similar to line 7. __func__ is a built-in variable which contains the function name, so these lines basically print out the name of the function. Each test case should then use a series of ECE2400_CHECK macros to check that the implementation produces the expected results. For example, on line 8 we check that the average of 10 and 20 is 15. If the check passes, then the macro prints out the values, and we move on to the next test check. If the check fails, then the macro prints out an error message, sets the global __failed variable, and returns ending that test case. The return value enables our test program to inform CTest of whether or not all of our test cases passed of failed. The main function's job is to simply call each test case function. Note that we get a single command line argument which specifies which test case we want to run. If we do not specify a command line argument then we run all of the test cases.

We have provided the above test program in the repository for this discussion section. To use CTest, we need to tell it about this new test program. We can do this by simply adding a new line to our CMakeLists.txt file. Here is an example CMakeLists.txt file:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8...3.19)

add_executable( square-directed-test square-directed-test.c square.c ece2400-stdlib.c )
add_test( square-directed-test square-directed-test )

Line 3 tells CMake to turn on support for testing with CTest. Line 5 specifies how to build the square-directed-test test program. Note we need to link in the implementation of the course library because square-directed-test.c uses it. Line 9 tells CMake that square-directed-test is a test that should be managed by CTest. Modify your CMakeLists.txt file to look like what is given above, rerun cmake, build the test, and run it.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% cmake .
% make square-directed-test
% ./square-directed-test
% ./square-directed-test 1

The command ./square-directed-test runs all test cases defined in square-directed-test and does not print anything when the test case passes. If you want to see more information about the passing assertions, you can zoom in to a specific test case (e.g., test case 1) using ./square-directed-test 1. We will also be doing extensive directed testing and random testing. In directed testing, you explicitly use test assertions to test as many corner cases as possible. In random testing, you use random input values and compare the output to some golden "reference" implementation to hopefully catch bugs missed in your directed testing.

CMake provides a test target which can run all of the tests and provides a summary.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make test

It is always a good idea to occasionally force a test to fail to ensure your test framework is behaving correctly. Use VS Code to change file square.c to look like this:

#include "avg.h"

int square( int x )
  return x * x * x;

Note how we are returning the cube instead of the square of x. Then rebuild and rerun the test like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make square-directed-test
% make test
% ./square-directed-test

You should see the test failing in the test summary, and then see additional information about the failing test assertion when you explicitly run the test program.

The ECE 2400 course standard library provides ECE2400_DEBUG, a macro that allows you to print out extra information for debugging purposes. One advantage of using the debug macro over printf is that this macro incurs zero run time overhead in the evaluation build. Indeed, this macro is simply replaced with a semi-colon when the build type is specified as eval. That means the same implementation of your sqrt or pow function can be reused for evaluation purposes without removing all debugging printfs first. To use the debug macro, change file square.c to look like this:

#include "square.h"
#include "ece2400-stdlib.h"

int square( int x )
  ECE2400_DEBUG("square( %d )", x);
  int result = x * x;
  ECE2400_DEBUG("result is %d", result);
  return result;

Then rebuild and rerun the test like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec03
% make square-directed-test
% ./square-directed-test
% ./square-directed-test 1

Note how the debug info is suppressed when you are not zooming into a specific test case. You should see two lines starting with [ -info- ] in the output, which corresponds to the debug macro we added in square.c. This info line tells the inputs and outputs to the square function.

5. Experimenting with Build and Test Frameworks for PA1

Let's experiment with the build and test frameworks for the first programming assignment using what we have learned in this discussion section. You can use the following steps to update your PA repo to make sure you have received the latest code.

% mkdir -p ${HOME}/ece2400
% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/netid
% git pull
% tree

where netid is your NetID. If you receive a warning from git, you might need to commit your local changes before pulling the latest code.

For each programming assignment, we will provide you a skeleton for your project including a complete CMakeLists.txt. In the common case, you should not need to modify the CMakeLists.txt unless you want to incorporate additional source and/or test files. The programming assignments are setup to use a separate build directory. It is much better to build C programs in a completely separate build directory. A separate build directory makes it easy to keep your generated content separate from your source code, and to do a "clean build" where you start your build from scratch. The programming assignments also group all of the tests into their own separate directory. You can use the following steps to use the build framework with the first programming assignment.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/netid/pa1-math
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake ..
% make check
% make check-milestone

check will run all of the tests for the entire PA, while check-milestone will only run the tests for the milestone. If there is a test failure, we can "zoom in" to build a single test program and run it in isolation like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/netid/pa1-math/build
% make sqrt-iter-directed-test
% ./sqrt-iter-directed-test

You can build and run the test program on a single line like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/netid/pa1-math/build
% make sqrt-iter-directed-test && ./sqrt-iter-directed-test

The && bash operator enables running multiple commands on the same command line. Without a command line argument, the test program will run all of the test cases. You can also use the command line argument -1 to print out a dot for every passing test check. Then we can "zoom in" further, and run a single test case within a single test program so we see exactly which test check is failing. The following will build the directed test program, explicitly run just test case 1, and then explicitly run just test case 2.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/netid/pa1-math/build
% make sqrt-iter-directed-test
% ./sqrt-iter-directed-test 1
% ./sqrt-iter-directed-test 2

Once we fix the bug, then we can "zoom out" and move on to the next failing test case, or to the next failing test program.

6. To-Do On Your Own

If you have time, modify sqrt-iter-directed-test.c to add a new test case (i.e., a new test case function). Consider what would be a good corner case to test. Make sure your modify main to call your new test case. Then recompile and run your test program to verify your new test case is being executed.