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Section 1: Linux Development Environment

This discussion section serves as gentle introduction to the basics of using the Linux development environment on the ecelinux servers including how to log into the servers, how to work at the Linux command line, and how to use Git version control.

1. Logging Into ecelinux with PowerShell

We will be using the ecelinux servers for all of the programming assignments. The ecelinux servers all run the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 operating system, and they all use an identical setup. Linux is the operating system of choice for both cloud and IoT systems, so becoming familiar with Linux will pay dividends beyond just this course.

For today's discussion section we will be using PowerShell to log into the ecelinux servers. Next week we will be using VS Code to log into the ecelinux servers which is remote access option we recommend for most students. You can learn more about the various remote access options in this tutorial:

1.1. Logging into ecelinux Servers with PowerShell

To start PowerShell click the Start menu then choose Windows PowerShell > Windows PowerShell, or click the Start menu, type PowerShell, and choose Windows PowerShell.

After starting PowerShell, type in the following command at the prompt to log into the ecelinux servers using SSH.

% ssh

Replace netid with your Cornell NetID in the command above. You should not enter the % character. We use the % character to indicate what commands we should enter on the command line. Executing the command will prompt you to enter your Cornell NetID password, and then you should be connected to the ecelinux servers.

The very first time you log into the ecelinux servers you may see a warning like this:

 The authenticity of host ’ (’ can’t be established.
 ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:smwMnf9dyhs5zW5I279C5oJBrTFc5FLghIJMfBR1cxI.
 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

The very first time you log into the ecelinux servers it is okay to enter yes, but from then on if you continue to receive this warning please contact the course staff.

1.2. Using PowerShell

The very first thing you need to do after opening a terminal is source the course setup script. This will ensure your environment is setup with everything you need for working on the programming assignments. Enter the following command on the command line:

% source

Note that you do not need to enter % character. In a tutorial like this, the % simply indicates what you should type at the command line. You should now see ECE 2400 in your prompt which means your environment is setup for the course.

It can be tedious to always remember to source the course setup script. You can also use auto setup which will automatically source the course setup for you when you log in. Note that if the environment for ECE 2400 conflicts with the environment required by a different course then you will need to manually source the setup script when you are working on this course. Enter the following command on the command line to use auto setup:

% source --enable-auto-setup

Now close the terminal using the X icon in the upper right-hand corner of the terminal window. Reopen a new terminal window. You should see ECE 2400 in the prompt meaning your environment is automatically setup for the course. If at anytime you need to disable auto setup you can use the following command:

% source --disable-auto-setup

Now that we have source the course setup script we can start to explore the Linux command line.

2. Linux Command Line

We will using the ecelinux servers which run the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 operating system for all of the programming assignments. The heart of the Linux operating system is the Linux command line. This is a text-based console where you can enter commands to interact with the operating system.

2.1 Hello World

We begin with the ubiquitous "Hello, World" example. To display the message "Hello, World" we will use the echo command. The echo command simply "echoes" its input to the console.

% echo "Hello, World"

The string we provide to the echo command is called a command line argument. We use command line arguments to tell commands what they should operate on. Again, note that you do not need to enter % character.

2.2. Manual Pages

You can learn more about any Linux command by using the man command. Try using this to learn more about the echo command.

% man echo

You can use the up/down keys to scroll the manual one line at a time, the space bar to scroll down one page at a time, and the q key to quit viewing the manual.

2.3. Create, View, and List Files

We can use the echo command and a feature called command output redirection to create simple text files. Command output redirection is discussed more in the full tutorial. Command output redirection uses the > operator to take the output from one command and "redirect" it to a file. The following commands will create a new file named ece2400-sec01.txt that simply contains the text "Computer Systems Programming".

% echo "Computer Systems Programming" > ece2400-sec01.txt

We can use the cat command to quickly display the contents of a file.

% cat ece2400-sec01.txt

For larger files, cat will output the entire file to the console so it may be hard to read the file as it streams past. We can use the less command to show one screen-full of text at a time. You can use the up/down keys to scroll the file one line at a time, the space bar to scroll down one page at a time, and the q key to quit viewing the file.

% less ece2400-sec01.txt

The > command output redirection operator will always create a brand new file (even if the target output file already exists). You can use the >> operator to append lines to the end of a file. Let's add another line to our text file using the >> operator.

% echo "Using C/C++" >> ece2400-sec01.txt
% cat ece2400-sec01.txt

You can use the ls command to list the filenames of the files you have created.

% ls

We can provide command line options to the ls command to modify the command’s behavior. For example, we can use the -1 (i.e., a dash followed by the number one) command line option to list one file per line, and we can we can use the -l (i.e., a dash followed by the letter l) command line option to provide a longer listing with more information about each file.

2.4. Create, Change, and List Directories

Obviously, having all files in a single location would be hard to manage effectively. We can use directories (also called folders) to logically organize our files, just like one can use physical folders to organize physical pieces of paper. The mechanism for organizing files and directories is called the file system. When you first login to an ecelinux machine, you will be in your home directory. This is your own private space on the server that you can use to work on the programming assignments and store your files. You can use the pwd command to print the directory in which you are currently working, which is known as the current working directory.

% pwd

You should see output similar to what is shown above, but instead of netid it should show your actual NetID. The pwd command shows a directory path. A directory path is a list of nested directory names; it describes a "path" to get to a specific file or directory. So the above path indicates that there is a toplevel directory named home that contains a directory named netid. This is the directory path to your home directory. As an aside, notice that Linux uses a forward slash (/) to separate directories, while Windows uses a back slash (\) for the same purpose.

We can use the mkdir command to make new directories. The following command will make a new directory named ece2400 within your home directory.

% mkdir ece2400

We can use the cd command to change our current working directory. The following command will change the current working directory to be the newly created ece2400 directory, before displaying the current working directory with the pwd command.

% cd ece2400
% pwd

Use the mkdir, cd, and pwd commands to make another directory.

% mkdir sec01
% cd sec01
% pwd

We sometimes say that sec01 is a subdirectory or a child directory of the ece2400 directory. We might also say that the ece2400 directory is the parent directory of the sec01 directory. Use the following command to create a new file in this child directory.

% cd /home/netid/ece2400/sec01
% echo "Computer Systems Programming" > ece2400-sec01.txt
% mkdir dirA
% ls

You can use the tree command to visualize the directory layout and where files are located:

% cd ~/ece2400
% tree

Note that the tilde character (~) is a shortcut which always refers to your home directory. There are a few other very useful shortcuts. You can use a single dot (.) to refer to the current working directory, and you can use a double dot (..) to refer to the parent directory of the current working directory.

% cd ~/ece2400/sec01
% cd ..
% cd ..
% pwd

2.5. Copy, Move, and Remove Files and Directories

We can use the cp command to copy files. The first argument is the name of the file you want to copy, and the second argument is the new name to give to the copy. The following commands will make two copies of the files we created in the previous section.

% cd ~/ece2400/sec01
% cp ece2400-sec01.txt ece2400-sec01-a.txt
% cp ece2400-sec01.txt ece2400-sec01-b.txt
% ls

Instead of copying we can also move a file with the mv command:

% cd ~/ece2400/sec01
% mv ece2400-sec01.txt ece2400-sec01-c.txt
% ls

Finally, we can use the rm command to remove files.

% cd ~/ece2400/sec01
% ls
% rm ece2400-sec01-a.txt

We have installed a simple program called trash which moves files you wish to delete into a special subdirectory of your home directory located at ${HOME}/tmp/trash. The following commands create a file and then deletes it using trash.

% cd ${HOME}
% echo "This file will be deleted." > testing.txt
% trash testing.txt
% echo "This file will also be deleted." > testing.txt
% trash testing.txt
% ls ${HOME}/tmp/trash

If you look in ${HOME}/tmp/trash you will see subdirectories organized by date. Look in the subdirectory with today's date and you should two files corresponding to the two files you deleted. We highly recommend always using the trash command instead of rm since this avoids accidentally deleting your work.

2.6. Text Editors

Students are free to use any text editor they want, although we recommend students use VS Code which will learn about next week. VS Code is both a remote access option and a text editor. If you are using PowerShell, you can use Micro to do basic text editing. You can start Micro like this:

% micro ece2400-sec01-b.txt

Micro is a lightweight text-based text editor. Use Ctrl-G to learn more about the keyboard shortcuts you can use to in Micro.

When you are finished go ahead and trash the sec01 directory to keep things tidy.

% trash ~/ece2400/sec01

3. GitHub Account Setup

We will be using GitHub for centralized repository hosting. You can check to see if you have a GitHub account on using this link: where githubid is your GitHub username on If the above link does not work, then you do not have an GitHub account on NOTE: We are using not the Cornell hosted GitHub! You will need to create one here:

Your NetID makes a great GitHub username on Be sure to use your Cornell University email address.

Once your account is setup, please make sure you set your full name so we can know who you are on GitHub. Please also consider uploading a profile photo to GitHub; it makes it more fun to interact on GitHub if we all know what each other look like. Go to the following page and enter your first and last name in the Name field, and then consider uploading a profile photo.

Once you have a GitHub ID, please fill out the following online so the instructors know the mapping from NetID to GitHub ID:

Before you can begin using GitHub, you need to create an SSH key pair on an ecelinux machine and upload the corresponding SSH public key to GitHub. GitHub uses these keys for authentication. The course setup script takes care of creating an SSH key pair which you can use. View the contents of your public key using the following commands:

% cat ~/.ssh/

Use the following page to upload the public key to GitHub:

Click on New SSH Key, and then cut-and-paste the public key you displayed using cat into the key textbox. Give the key the title ece2400-github. Then click Add SSH key. To test things out try the following command:

% ssh -T

You may see a warning about the authenticity of the host. Don’t worry, this is supposed to happen the first time you access GitHub using your new key. Just enter yes. The GitHub server should output some text including your GitHub ID. Verify that the GitHub ID is correct, and then you should be all set.

4. Git Version Control System

In this course, we will be using Git as our revision control and source code management system. Git will enable us to adopt an agile development methodology so you (and your group) can rapidly collaborate and iterate on the design, verification, and evaluation of the assignments.

4.1. Fork and Clone a Repo from GitHub

Fork'ing a repo means making a copy of that repo for your own local use. We won't actually be forking repos for the programming assignments, but it is an easy way for you to grab some example code for the discussion section. Go to the example repo here:

Click on the "Fork" button. Wait a few seconds and then visit the new copy of this repo in your own person GitHub workspace:


Where githubid is your GitHubID. Now let's clone your new repo to the ecelinux machine.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400
% git clone sec01
% cd sec01
% cat

Where githubid is your GitHubID.

4.2. Adding and Committing Files to Local Repository

Now let's add some new files to the repository. Use Micro to create a file named warm-colors.txt with three warm colors:


Now use your favorite text editor again to create a file named cool-colors.txt with three cool colors.


Now let's add these files to our repository. First use the git status command to check on the status of the repository.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec01
% git status

You should see that git has noticed two "untracked files" which are in the working directory but are not currently being tracked by git. Let's "add" these two files to git's "staging" area so it now knows it should keep track of them:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec01
% git add warm-colors.txt
% git add cool-colors.txt
% git status

The status of these two files have changed. Git reports that both of the new files are ready to be committed. Let's go ahead and commit these changes into your local repository.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec01
% git commit -m "add some colors"

Let's now use echo and the >> command output redirection operator to add cyan to the end of our cool-colors.txt file. We can then view our changes from the command line using cat, and use git status and then git commit to try and commit our changes.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec01
% echo "cyan" >> cool-colors.txt
% cat cool-colors.txt
% git status
% git commit -m "add cyan"

Git will report that there are no changes added to the commit. So even though Git is tracking cool-colors.txt and knows it has changed, we still must explicitly add the files we want to commit. We recommend using the -a command line option with the git commit command to tell Git to add any file which has changed and was previously added to the repository before doing the commit.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec01
% git status
% git commit -a -m "add cyan"

Now the changes are committed. You can use git log to see a log of the commits in your local repository.

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec01
% git log

4.3. Pushing Files to GitHub

Note that nothing has happened on GitHub yet. GitHub does not know anything about these local changes. We need to explicitly "push" our new commits up to GitHub like this:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec01
% git push

Now go to the repository page using the GitHub web interface and verify that there are two new files.


4.4. Pulling Files from GitHub

Let's try making a change to this repository through the GitHub web interface.


Click on Add file and then Create new file. Name the file languages.txt and add a list of programming languages:


Now click Commit new file. Verify that there is a new file in the repo using the GitHub web interface. Now let's "pull" these new changes from GitHub to your local repo on ecelinux:

% cd ${HOME}/ece2400/sec01
% git pull
% cat languages.txt

This will be the basic GitHub workflow were students first use clone to get a copy of their repository, use commit -a to commit their code to the local repository, and then use pull and push to synchronize their repository with the repository on GitHub.

6. To-Do On Your Own

If you have time, add maroon to the warm-colors.txt file you created earlier using either Micro. Save the file and then view your changes from the command line using cat. Then use git status and git commit -a to add these changes to local repository, and then use git push to push these changes up to GitHub. View the changes using the GitHub web interface.

Then try editing a file using the GitHub web interface. Click on the warm-colors.txt file and then click on the pencil in the right-hand corner to edit this text file. Add another warm color. Click Commit changes. Then pull these changes to the local repository on the ecelinux server and verify that your new warm color is included.